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Song lyric convo - Page 1/2795

Subject: Song lyric convo
Replies: 19564 Views: 420082
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driverii 26.12.08 - 06:14pm
Ok you're only allowed to reply using lines from songs and they have to follow on from each other as in both sides of a conversation. One side of the conversation must be denoted as PERSON A, the other PERSON B. I realise some replies might overlap but hopefully it'll make sense. I'll start.... * +

driverii 26.12.08 - 06:15pm
Person A,.... Hey joe, where are you going with that gun in your hand? * +

driverii 26.12.08 - 06:17pm
Person b.... I don't like mondays. I'm going to shoot the whole day down down down shoot it all down * +

reebok32 26.12.08 - 06:26pm
Who ya goin to shoot down, did she wear an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini * +

m0omin 26.12.08 - 06:28pm
Her name was lola, she was a showgirl, with yellow flowers in her hair and a dress cut down to there nod * +

driverii 26.12.08 - 06:29pm
Person A,... You used to say Live and let live * +

driverii 26.12.08 - 06:31pm
Person b... I'm goin through changes. * +

tulie2 26.12.08 - 06:32pm
Im nt a grl nt yet a women * +

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