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mcbook laptop - Page 3/4

Subject: mcbook laptop
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carta 14.07.11 - 05:55pm
facepalm * +

mok214 14.07.11 - 06:29pm
bampop4 * +

witch1 14.07.11 - 07:37pm
Apple discussions are down. If you still have the disks that came with your Mac, run the ADHT-it'll tell you if your airports messed up. * +

mok214 14.07.11 - 08:11pm
Do you mean that a mac os does not have an equivalent to Windows device manager ? I gotta get an old cheap mac someday , so I can figure one out . chin * +

unitcrew 15.07.11 - 12:05am
ok thx guys.ill chek it out * +

witch1 15.07.11 - 12:37am
I'm not sure, mok-I always just use my AHTD, if I have the odd or rare issue. Or go to the Genius Bar. * +

nfxcr3w 15.07.11 - 01:43am
facepalm not here and im already getting my name mentioned lol * +

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