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*ALHUDAA/THE GUIDE*2 - Page 52/105

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aslam35 1.11.08 - 08:34am
After the death of Ziyad bin Abu Sufyan r.a. the Kharjites , who had been subdued upto now, once again, raised their heads. Sayyiditina Ayesha r.a. passed away in 58 A.h. at the age of 65yrs old and was buried in Jannatul Baqi. In 59A.H. Sayyidina Abu Hurairah r.a. the great Sahabi and scholar of Islaam passed away. At the beginning of Rajab in 60A.H. Amir Muawiyah r.a. took ill, and his condition worsened. * +

aslam35 1.11.08 - 08:39am
Three weeks later , on the 22nd Rajab 60A.H. at the age of 70, he passed away. He had in his possession the noble hair and fingernails of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, and before his death requested that these should be placed on his eyes and mouth before he is buried. His Janazah Salaah was led by Khahhak bin Qais r.a. * +

aslam35 1.11.08 - 08:46am
A Brief Look at the Khilafat of Amir Muawiyah r.a. Amir Muawiyah r.a. had been a Khalifah for a period of 20 years. This entire period was indeed a very successful one in the history of Islam for the following reasons: 1. He ruled without any civil unrest, or the threat of being ousted. 2. The Islamic Empire expanded considerably in all directions while he was the Khalifah. * +

aslam35 1.11.08 - 08:59am
3. No sector under Islamic rule were lost to the kuffaar forces. 4. No rebellion or uprising was reported against any of the Islamic provinces or governors..5.The instabilitytension and chaos which was prevalent before he took over was removed and did not reach here as long as he ruled. 6 The Islamic Navy was strenghtened and Muawiyah r.a. put it to great benefit by subduing the content of Roman threat. * +

zaytun 5.11.08 - 09:00am
Wa3alaykumus salaam.. Jazaakal Laahu Khayraa aslam.. Assalaamu 3Alaykum.. blossom * +

zaytun 5.11.08 - 09:07am
THE AADAAB OF 7HAJJ.. When Allaah bestows His Favour on any fortunate person to perform the Fardh or Nafl Hajj, he should not delay at all in the execution of that duty, particularly the Fardh Hajj, because this only affords the shaytaan the opportunity to involve one in unnecessary activities which will keep him so busy, that the journey to the Holy Places is postponed or cancelled.. * +

zaytun 5.11.08 - 09:31am
Allaah Ta3aala says in the Quraan, that shaytaan said: 'Because You have sent me astray, Lo! I will lie in wait for them on Your Straight way.. Then surely I will come upon from before them and from behind them and from their right and from their left, and You shall not find most of them thankful.. ' surah Al A3raaf 15-17... * +

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