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Incorrect religious beliefs - Page 2/6

Subject: Incorrect religious beliefs
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levitt 6.09.11 - 09:33pm
Well, in the end we can say the conscience is the standard. Follow your convictions but you can't say other convictions are 'wrong' per se because that claim can't be backed up with an objective universal standard. * +

iilmadme 6.09.11 - 09:39pm
We can all learn sumthin from eachother,it neednt be competitive * +

robi1980 6.09.11 - 10:37pm
Jesus speaking: I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except thru me. www.GodLife.com ( works on ya phone). * +

dgsn 7.09.11 - 07:15am
All religion is false * +

way2go 7.09.11 - 09:33am
Good point there 3mel. If we look at biblical Christianity for instance,it has no authority to go shoot or drop bombs on people since it's laws and principles are clear when studied. Yes,the way an adherent speaks or acts, can affect how others view a faith or religion. Jesus Christ made points with ''by their fruits you will recognise them'', for good or bad. * +

drakess9 7.09.11 - 09:50am
Dsgn I agree with you religion is fake. Surprised as I am a Christian. Christianity isn't religion. Religion is manmade and turned. Christianity is following the core message of Jesus Christ. Christ didn't die to leave me religion. He came from the Father to live an earhtly life. Take up his mission which took him to the cross and to leave us a way back to God. That is NOT religion. That is uncond * +

drakess9 7.09.11 - 09:52am
Unconditional love.x. 3mel yes that is right. However everyone is our teacher. I see christians who act like pharisees they teach me too how not to behave. They remind me of my saviour and how I want to grow more and more in his love and light * +

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