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Motorola Q Pro business phone


Available now for enterprise users, Moto's latest Q boasts Word document editing (finally) and a host of enhanced security options.


The Q Pro arrives on the scene with a jet-black shell, which certainly adds to its ''cool'' factor; otherwise, though, this is the same Q you've seen about town. You still get the same good-sized QWERTY keypad -- a plus -- as well as the 320 x 240-pixel display, which looks a little anemic compared to the 320 x 320 displays we've been seeing on some business phones. Still, at less than half an inch thick, the Q's trim, pocketable profile kicked off last year's slim smartphone trend.


Most of the Q Pro's features are the same as on the original Q: the Windows Mobile Smartphone OS, a 1.3-megapixel camera (cameraless options are now available for corporate environments), microSD memory expansion, Bluetooth, and push e-mail. However, there are a few key differences, such as enhanced security, data encryption, corporate VPN support, and password protection. One of our chief criticisms of the original Q was its inability to edit documents; that's been fixed on the Q Pro with the addition of DataViz's Documents to Go, which lets you tweak Word documents while you're out and about. Later software upgrades will allow for Excel and PowerPoint edition, as well.

Adds Word document editing; enhanced security options; slim profile, comfortable keypad

Display is only 320 x 240; still waiting for Excel and PowerPoint editing


We're pleased that Motorola has seen fit to endow the Q Pro with document edition abilities; it's a key feature that will make this slim smartphone much more attractive to serious road warriors. And a cool, all-black shell never hurts. Otherwise, the new Q has the original set of features (1.3-megapixel camera, Bluetooth, memory expansion) and limitations (a lower-resolution screen than we'd like).


1.3-megapixel camera (camera-less models available)
Tethered modem support
miniSD memory expansion
Support for MS Exchange/Direct Push, Good Mobile Messaging
Enhanced security options
Includes Documents to Go and Word file editing
65,000-color display (320 x 240 pixels)
1/14/2007 9:35:02 PM
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