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Phone Viruses. Be afraid (or not)

Science Central looks into the history of cell phone viruses and explains why, as cell phones become smarter, the change of infection increases.

''The first cell phone virus was created in 2004, named Cabir. While it spread rapidly worldwide by bluetooth, the virus itself caused little damage - other than emptying the battery - to infected phones.

... One particularly dangerous cell phone virus the F-Secure team is studying is a type of trojan, or a virus that appears like a legitimate program but actually has destructive code contained inside.

Columbia University computer scientist Angelos Keromytis, who has worked with computer viruses and networking security for more than 10 years, is more cautious. ''''It is possible that the threat will never fully mature, but of course that's not an excuse or a reason to not take it seriously,'' he says.''
12/12/2006 1:33:44 PM

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