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Subject: Rulez 4 fighting.
Replies: 7 Views: 1102
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scra 21.01.11 - 01:07pm
1.legs ur 4 standin,th hands ur 4 fighting.
Its a big temptatn 4 beginin m.arts studnts 2 learn fancy kicks in order 2 show his frendz that he z doin a m.art. Bt in reality,kicks of any kind wil put u at a disadvntage.leave th fancy kicks 4 th filmz en use only handz 4 selfdefens.if u must kick,only kick frm th knee downwards and if u must kick alwyz kick frm th front leg! *

scra 21.01.11 - 01:33pm
2.Never use two steps in fighting.
U must alwyz mek yo defns your attak.his subconcious switchez tel him that u wil attak nxt afta u hv blocked.bt if yo block becmez yo attak,he has nt hd tym 2 think abwt it. U hv attakd him durin th tym that he wz suposd 2 attak u!this z th*logical*way of th fyt,he daz smdthng,then u do smethng,then he daz smethng.etc..(if u wntd logic,u wudnt b fytin wud u?)u must change th*logical*fyt in2 a totally*illogical*fyt so that his switchz ur cmpletly broken dwn. Mek it a fyt of;he attaks,then u attak,then u attak,then u attak! Neva giv him that slight break wen his brain telz him thats its his turn 2 do smethng,tek his tym away from him en use it 4 yoslf. *

scra 21.01.11 - 01:49pm
3.Never step backwardz.
Wen u ur attakd,do nt do wat most so calld*m.arts*teach u 2 do,2 step backwrdz as u block! This wil invite certain defeat.any fytaz or brawlrz all work on*switchez*.we ur born wit switchez dat tel us 2 do certain thingz subcnciously,lyk a male pupy that,@ a certain age beginz 2 lift hz leg,y?he may nt hv sn atha dogz doin dis bt he daz t anyway as if sme prgamr hz prgramd a cmputa prgrm in2 hz brain.sme1 who z attakin u expcts u 2 b whr u ur wen he attaks,athawiz he wud nt hv attakd u whr u wer.e.g. Wen sme1 thrwz a punch,th do nt thrw th punch 2 wher th think u myt b,bt 2 whr u ur @th tym of attak.rememba tho,th attakr z expctin u 2 eitha b thr or 2 move backwrds.so evn if u do muv bak,he z rdy 4 dis en wil launch anatha attak 2 cmpens8.so,if u nt wher expcts u 2 b,en mre imprtantly,if u in hz face attakin hm,hz jus nt rdy 4 this.he hz 2 regroup en think bwt wat 2 do nxt... *

angel207 30.01.11 - 05:50am
Technique first..speed n strength will come naturally *

scra 24.04.11 - 12:56am
4. neva use pushes or pulls in selfdefens. pushes en pulls dont harm ppl.so y use them. th only tym u cud use a push or pull z a put th attacker in line of an oncomin car. *

scra 30.07.11 - 09:54pm
5.Neva go to th ground.
If sme1 z abl 2 tek u 2 th ground,then eitha get a new teachr or learn beta en train hardr!graplin z great,bt nt if th attakr hz friendz!en this z usualy th case in mst street attaks.u hv evrythng thr in yo martial art style 2 defend against graplin type attaks,learn 2 use yo art corectly. *

scra 6.01.12 - 09:43pm
6.Dont flinch, blink or turn away.
U see it in alot f pipo who havnt masterd fyting. They are scared and arnt sure wat th are doing. When a punch or kick comes at them,th react--th flinch,cover their head,blink thr eyes,en smetyms even turn thr back!!U cn almst here th intrnal dialogue, oh no..Here t cmes. Im goin 2 get hurt. This type f reactn z natural--an instinctiv respnse in an effrt 2 defend yoslf.Th result,howeva z that u ur put at a momentary disadvntage sinc this type f reactn creates an openin an oponent cn exploit. If u blink u lose sight f an oponent momentarily. Vision z also disorientatd durin a flinch as evrythng becmes a blur f mvement. And if u turn away,evrythng(yo ass) z exposed. *

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