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Subject: Is Your Life Predestined?
Replies: 8 Views: 1016
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unquiet1 18.01.11 - 02:09pm
Many ppl fee that wotever happends to them, good or bad, has been determined by a force greater than themselves. for example, 1 of the founders of Protestants John Calvin wrote:

''we define predestination as the eternal design of God, whereby he determined what he wanted to do with each man. for he did not create them in the same condition, but fore-ordains some to everlasting life and some to eternal d*mnation.''

does God really predetermine ahead of time what our actions and our final destiny are going to be? what does the bible teach? *

unquiet1 18.01.11 - 02:13pm
The ''Logic'' of Predestination

some who believe in predestination reason basically as follows:

God is omniscent. He knows everything, even what is going to happen in the future. he knows what each person is going to do with his life, and he already knows the exact moment and manner of each persons death.

so according to their thinking, when it comes for an individual to make a decision, his choice cannot be other than the way God has foreseen and predetermined it; otherwise, God wouldn be all-knowing.

does this reasoning seem sound to you? *

unquiet1 18.01.11 - 02:16pm
consider what its logical consequences would be.....

if some force has already determined your future, then trying to take care of yourself is useless. choosing to smoke or not to smoke would make no difference to your health or that of your children. its like hearing a wierd sound come from your tyres when you hit breaks. not having it checked out at the car mechanic. and when you crash due to breaks failing to work... would that be predetermined by God ??? or would it be because lazyness?? *

unquiet1 18.01.11 - 02:19pm
consider another line of reasoning... if God chooses to foreknow everything, then even befor he made Adam and Eve, he would have known that they would disobey him. but when God told Adam that he must not eat from the ''tree of the knowledge of good and bad'' or he would die, dod God already know Adam would eat from it? (Genesis 2:16)

when God told the first couple: ''be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it. and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth,'' (Genesis 1:28) did he know that this wonderful prospect of life in a parasise was is doomed to failure? and was he just saying that to give them a little taste? ofcourse not!! *

unquiet1 18.01.11 - 02:21pm
taken to its logical conclusion, the idea that God foreknows all desicions would mean that he is responsible for all that happens.... including wars, injustices, and suffering. is that posibble? a clear answer is provided by wot God says himself. *

unquiet1 18.01.11 - 02:27pm
You Must Choose

The Scriptures state that ''God is love'' and that he is a ''lover of justice.'' he always urged his pppl: ''hate what is bad and love what is good.'' (1 John 4:8;Psalm 37:28;Amos 5:15) on many occasions he encouraged his loyal ones to CHOOSE a virtuous course.

for Example, when God concluded a covenant with the ancient nation of israel, he said to them, through Moses: ''i do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that i have put life and death befor you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring.''(Deuteronomy 30:19)
did God establish ahead of time the choice that those individuals would make? clealy not.

unquiet1 18.01.11 - 02:28pm
would a just and loving God encourage pppl to do right in the hope of receiving a reward if he knew that they were destined to fail? No ways! such encouragement would be hypocritical. *

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