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Subject: facts from hadith
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a_umer 29.08.10 - 07:20am
After the death of a Ruler there will be some dispute between the people. At that time a citizen of Madina will flee (from Madina) and go to Makkah. While in Makkah, certain people will approach him between Hajr-ul Aswad and Maqaame Ibraheem, and forcefully pledge their allegiance to him. Thereafter a huge army will proceed from Syria to attack him but when they will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and Madina, they will be swa11owed into the ground. On seeing this, the Abdaals of Shaam as well as large numbers of people from Iraq will come to him and pledge their allegiance to him. Then a person from the Quraish, whose uncle will be from the Bani Kalb tribe will send an army to attack him, only to be overpowered, by the will of Allah. This (defeated) army will be that of the Bani Kalb. Unfortunate indeed is he who does not receive a share from the booty of the Kalb. This person (Imam Mahdi) will distribute the spoils of war after the battle. He will lead the people according to the Sunnah and during his reign Islam will spread throughout the world. He will remain till seven years (since his emergence). He will pass away and the Muslims will perform his Janazah salaat. (Abu Dawood) *

a_umer 29.08.10 - 07:21am
Abu Saeed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) said: He is one of us, behind whom Eesaa ibn Maryam will pray. (Reported by Abi Naeem in Akhbaar al-Mahdi. Al-Albaani said it is saheeh; see al-Jaami al-Sagheer, 5/219, hadeeth 5796). *

a_umer 29.08.10 - 07:28am
According to these Reliable, Authentic, and Universally Accepted Narrations, Imam Mahdi will:

1.Be from among the family of Prophet (SAW), among the descendants of Fatima (RA);

2.Have a broad forehead and pointed noise;

3.Appear in one night;

4.Appear just before the day of judgment;

5.Have same name as Hazrat Muhammad (SAW);

6.Escape from Madina to Makkah where people will pledge allegiance to him;

7.Receive pledge and help of Iraqi people;

8.Fight in battles;

9.Rule over the Arabs for seven or Eight years according to Sunnah;

10.Spread justice and equity on earth;

11.Eradicate tyranny and oppression;

12.Lead a prayer in Makkah which Jesus (pbuh) will follow in;

13.NOT be the same individual as the Promised Messiah (Jesus).

14.Allaah will grant him rain, the earth will bring forth its fruits,

15.He will give a lot of money, cattle will increase and the ummah will become great.

16. He is one, behind whom Eesaa ibn Maryam will pray.

Did this all so called Imam Mahdis fulfilled these criteria and performed these duties?

The ahaadeeth concerning the appearance of the Mahdi reach the level of Tawaatur in meaning (tawaatur refers to a hadeeth which was narrated by so many people through so many isnaads that it is inconceivable that they could all have agreed on a lie). The imaams and scholars of this ummah have stated this, and a few of their comments are quoted below:

1. Al-Haafiz Abul-Hasan al-Aabiri said: The mutawaatir reports from the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) describing the Mahdi are very many. They state that the Mahdi will be of his family, that he will rule for seven years, that he will fill the earth with justice, that Eesaa ibn Maryam will emerge and help him to kill the Dajjaal, and that he will lead this ummah in prayer and Eesaa will pray behind him.

2. Muhammad al-Barzanji said, in his book al-Ishaaah li Ashraat al-Saaah: The major signs and the signs that will be immediately followed by the Hour: these signs are many, of which the Mahdi will be the first. Know that the ahaadeeth that have been narrated about him in various reports are numerous. He also said: You know that the ahaadeeth which speak of the Mahdi, his appearance at the end of time, and his lineage and descent from the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) via Faatimah reach the level of tawaatur in meaning, so there is no point in denying them.

3. Al-Allaamah Muhammad al-Safaareeni said: There are so many reports which speak of the appearance of the Mahdi that they reach the level of tawaatur in meaning; they are very popular among the scholars of Sunnah and have become part of their faith. Then he quotes a number of ahaadeeth and reports about the appearance of the Mahdi and the names of the Sahaabah from whom they were narrated: Many reports were narrated from the Sahaabah whose names were mentioned and others whose names were not mentioned, may Allaah be pleased with them all, and from the Taabieen after them, all of which proves that this is definitive knowledge. Belief in the appearance of the Mahdi is obligatory, as it has been confirmed by the scholars and is listed among the beliefs of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah.

4. Al-Allaamah al-Mujtahid al-Shawkaani said: The ahaadeeth that we have come across that speak of the awaited Mahdi reach the level of tawaatur, including fifty saheeh, hasan and daeef munjabar ahaadeeth. There are mutawaatir without a doubt; indeed they are more mutawaatir than others, according to all the standards of usool. There are also many reports from the Sahaabah that speak about the Mahdi and that reach the level of marfoo, so there is no room for individual opinions in such an issue.

5. Al-Allaamah al-Shaykh Siddeeq Hasan Khaan said: Even though there are different versions of reports concerning the Mahdi, they are so many that they reach the level of tawaatur in meaning. They are to be found in al-Sunan and other books of Islam.

6. Al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Jafar al-Kattaani said: The conclusion is that the ahaadeeth narrated concerning the Mahdi are mutawaatir, as are the ahaadeeth concerning the Dajjaal and the descent of Eesaa ibn Maryam, upon whom be peace. (See Ashraat al-Saaah by Yoosuf ibn Abdullaah al-Waabil, pp. 195-203).

You should be aware that some liars have fabricated ahaadeeth about the Mahdi, and others have even claimed to be he, or that he belongs to a group other than Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah. Some of these false mahdis have tried to deceive the slaves of Allaah for some worldly gain and to distort the picture of Islaam. Some have started movements and revolutions and gathered those people and supporters whom they were able to deceive. Then they were destroyed, and their lies and falsehood were exposed. None of this affects the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah in the Mahdi, upon whom be peace, and that he will undoubtedly appear and rule the earth in accordance with Islamic Shareeah. And Allaah knows best. *

a_umer 29.08.10 - 07:41am
And Now Hadith regarding the coming of Hazrat Eisa Ibne Maryam

Mirza Gulam Ahmed being Imam Mehdi claimed that he is the Promised Messiah, Eisa Ibne Maryam also, that was prophesiced by the Holy Prophet, who he will come before the Day of Judgement. Was he correct in his claim? Let us see, what Holy Prophet SAW said about this:

By Him in Whose Hand is my life, Ibn Maryam (Jesus Christ) would certainly pro nounce Talbiyah for Hajj or for Umrah or for both (simultaneously as a Qarin) in the valley of Rawha. (Sahih Muslim, Book 7, No. 2877)

Allah will send Maseeh ibne Maryam (Messiah son of Mary). Thus he will descend near the White Eastern Minaret of Damascus, clad in two yellow sheets, leaning on the shoulders of two angels. (Sahih Muslim, Vol. 8, P. 192-193)

Hazrat Masih will die after completing the duration he was destined to pass in the world and that Muslims would offer his funeral prayers and bury him next to the grave of the holy Prophet (Saws), Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and Hazrat Umar (RA). (Mishkat, P. 480)

By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, Son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizyah (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection, of the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of money and no one will accept charitable gifts. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 34, No. 425)

Mujammi Ibn Jariyah al-Ansari (RA) stated that he heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) say: The son of Mary will kill the Anti-Christ (Dajjal) at the door of Ludda. (Tirmidhi and Ahmad)

According to these Authentic and Universally accepted Hadith:

1. The Promised Messiah is none other than Hazrat Isa bin Maryam (pbuh) (Jesus);
2. He will descend among Muslims, near the White Eastern Minaret of Damascus, Syria, clad in two yellow sheets (dyed with saffron), while leaning on the shoulders of two angels;
3. He will pray behind Imam Mahdi;
4. He will fight with, chase, and kills Dajjal (the Anti-Christ) at the gate of Ludd;
5. Messiah will rule justly according to the Laws of Islam and not Gospel;
6. People of the Book will accept him as a Messenger of Allah (SWT) and will embrace Islam (Quran 4:159); subsequently, Cross (Christianity) and Jizyah tax (on non-Muslims) will be abolished;
5. He will encounter attack of Gog and Magog and will be victorious;
6. Islam and justice will rule, oppression will be eliminated, and no fighting (War) will be needed (will be abolished);
7. Everyone will be well off and hatred, jealousy, and grudge will disappear;
8. Messiah will perform Hajj and/or Umra;
9. He will die after living on earth for 40 years and will be buried in a grave next to the holy Prophet (SAW).
10. His advent is a sign for the closeness of the day of Judgment (Quran, 43:61)

Did Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani fulfil any of these conditions, which Holy Prophet SAAW swore that they would take place?

Was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, the Prophet or the Promised Messiah or Imam Mahdi?

Read carefully these Ahaadeeth, look at the state of Muslim world. Mirza knew that he was lying about being a Prophet of God, or Promised Messiah or Imam Mahdi, because:

Mirza was son of Chiragh Bibi, and not Son of Mary!

He did not belong to the family of Holy Prophet SAAW.

He never got a chance to rule the country and establish justice.

Mirza Qadiani admitted:

I do not claim that I am the same Mahdi who will come according to ( *

a_umer 29.08.10 - 07:51am

Dear Readers

Assalamo alaikum

Muslims from the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW till today unanimously believe in the absolute Finality of the Prophethood of Syedna Muhammad SAAW, and the Finality of Holy Quran as the Last message from Allah to guide His creations till the day of Qiyamah. This concept of finality of the Message and the Messenger is the cornerstone of the whole building of Islam which plays a pivotal role in the life of Muslims individually as well as collectively, creating a bond of such brotherhood that transcends all geographical, racial and cultural boundaries. This Universal Brotherhood of Islam makes the whole Ummah as one unit, one body, so that whenever one part is hurt, the whole body feels the pain and react to it. This of course is a very scary phenomenon for the anti-Islamic forces, who have been trying to disrupt this bond since the advent of Islam. Anti-Islamic forces had thus always tried to create divisions among the Muslims by distorting the teachings of Quran and by creating literature in an attempt to reduce the influence of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW in our lives. As Al-Hafiz Bashir Masri put it in his article, Henchmen of Europe,

wherever the opponents of Islam plan to strike at the roots of Islam, they start challenging the validity of Quran-e-Majeed and maligning the Personality of the Holy Prophet SAAW. We are used to such attacks from without and know how to deal with them. The real problem arises, however, when someone from within start playing the traitor, as the Qadianis are doing. You can fend off a danger which you can see, but you more liable to be taken unaware and be bitten by a snake in the grass. And this is what happened to some of our Muslims.

Khatme Nabuwwat is one such facet of the lives of Muslims which are constantly threatened by such forces. Why do we believe in the Finality of Prophethood of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW and what is it that Qadianis have to say in this matter. Who is right and who is wrong? This is the question that we are going to answer in this article.

Muslims Belief

From Quran: Suffice to say here is that Allah testifies in Quran:

O people ! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, He is the Apostle of God and the Last in the line of Prophets (Khatam-un-Nabiyeen). And God is Aware of everything. (Surah Al Ahzab 33.40)

The basic principle for interpreting the verses of Quran is to interpret them in the light of other verses, and in the light of what has been said by Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW or His Companions. The word Khatam is translated here as 'LAST'. The literal meaning of this word is SEAL, as something which is sealed. There are many other verses in Quran which support this translation of the word Khatam and thus the finality of the Messenger and the Message.

The Last Sermon:

Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW on His Last Hajj gave a sermon, where he announced:

O people! No Prophet would be raised after me and no new Ummah (would be rasied) after you. (Seerat Ibne Hisham, The Last Sermon)

From the Books of Hadith:
Many Hadith, but I would specially like to quote here one authentic hadith which contain the word KHATAM.

There will be thirty liars in my Ummah, each of them claiming to be a Prophet,
but I am the Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, there is no Prophet after me.
(Sunan Abu Daud, Kitab al-Fitan)

Holy Prophet SAAW used the word Khatam-un-Nabiyeen for Himself and then qualified the meaning of this word by adding that there is no Prophet after me. Most certainly He knew that there will be some sick minded people in his ummah who will make all sorts of far flung distorted meanings.

Qadiani Deception No. 1 - Denying/Laying the claim to Prophethood.

Having thus presented the Muslim belief, let us now turn to see what do Qadianis believe by the word Khatam and Khatam-un-Nabiyeen?

Of course when you talk to any Qadiani he will claim that he believes that Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW is Khatam-un-Nabiyeen. But soon his hypocricy is exposed when you ask him, what exactly does he mean by the word Khatam-un-Nabiyeen. Then his decetption is exposed, because he has his own understanding of this word, as taught by his Jamaat.

For every Qadiani, Khatam-un-Nabiyeen means the following:

The Seal of the Prophets, but not the seal of finality (as Muslims believe) but the seal of approval for the coming of further prophets.

The best of Prophets

To support their claim, they go to extra lengths to prove their case using mind boggling logic. The whole issue reminds us how in the work of Mirza, there is the usual duality: at first sight part of it appears to confirm the general doctrine of Islam, also about the meaning of Khatme as last. Yet another part changes it to mean seal of approval. It is like this with every occult concept he introduces. He says in many places that there can be no prophet after Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW - he does so to try to connect with mainstream islam, and to make his doctrine seem acceptable. Yet, in other places, he also writes statements which directly confirm that there will be more prophets. It is always again the denial case: the Lahoris say: he did not claim to be a prophet, they can find quotes for that. The Qadianis say; he did claim to be prophet. They can find quotes for that too. It is always the same strategy of double truths, used to blindfold people, first trick them into believing that his doctrine matches that of mainstream islam, but once inside Ahmadiyya, shifting to the other part of the doctrine and turning away from Islam. So you can use quotes where he says Khatme means last, but there are also places where he says Khatme means seal of approval for more prophets to come.

For instance. Mirza denies claiming prophethood:

Can such an unfortunate fabricator who himself claim prophethood and messengership believe in Holy Quran, and can such a person who believes in Quran and believes in the verse [wa laakin Rasoolullah wa Khatam-un-Nabiyeen] as the word of God, that I am also a prophet and messenger after Holy Prophet SAAW? (Anjam-e-Atham, Roohani Khazain vol.11 p.27)

I know that anything that oppose Quran is lie, apostacy, and heresy, thus how can I claim prophethood when I am a Muslim? (Hamamatul Bushra, Roohani Khazain vol. 7 p. 297)

O people! ... Do not be an enemy of Quran and after Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, do not initiate the system of new prophetic revelation. Have some shame from Allah, in front of whom you would appear. (Asmani Faisla, Roohani Khazain vol.4 p. 335)

But on the other hand, Mirza give a distorted logic to justify his claim of prophethood:

God thought that in this era that such a time has come when a Grand Reformer is needed so God's Seal did this job that Holy Prophet SAAW's follower reached to such a status that from one aspect he was a Ummati and from other Prophet, because Allah made Holy Prophet SAAW the Bearer of Seal, that is He was given the Seal to make perfection... (Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol. 22 p. 99-100)

The meaning of Khatam-un-Nabiyeen is this that without His Seal nobody's Prophethood can be verified. When the Seal is affixed, then that paper is authenticated and valid. (Malfoozat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 p.290)

According to way of speech, in other words the title of Khatam-un-Nabiyeen for Holy Prophet SAAW indicate a big status and it is this meaning that He is the Seal of Prophets, that is after Him such Prophets will be born whose prophethood's criteria is only to follow him. (Letter of Mian Mehmood, Khalifa-e-Qadian, AlFazl Qadian dated 29th April 1927)

Definitely our opponent Molvi Sahebaan have made grave mistake in understanding the meaning of Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, He is Khatam-un-Nabiyeen but in the sense that His person is a Seal of approval for Prophets. (AlFazl Qadian dated 8th December 1915)

We do not deny that Holy Prophet SAAW is Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, but the meaning of Khatam is not what the majority of Muslims understand and which is against the Mighty Glory of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW that He had deprived His ummah from the Bounty of Prophethood. (AlFazl Qadian dated 22 Sept 1939)

There is no one in the world who can understand the real truth of the Khatam-e-Nabuwwat of Muhammad, except he who is the Khatam-ul-Awliya like the Hazrat Khatam-ul-Anbiya, because to understand the true reality of something depends on the person who deserves it and it is a proven fact that the person deserving Khatmiyat (finality) is either Holy Prophet SAAW or Hazrat Maseeh Mowood (Mirza Saheb). (Qadiani Magazine Tasheed-ul-Azhan, No. 8,Vol.12, p. 201, entitled The True reality of Muhammadi Khatme Nabuwwat, dated August 1917)

Qadiani Deception No. 2 - Meaning of KHATAM:

Qadianis have been giving a lot of flimsy excuses to justify the meanings of the word 'Khatam'. Mr Shiraz Qadiani sent the following email to a discussion forum:

Return-Path: Shiraz@ahmadiyya.com
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 14:15:16 +0100
From: Ch. Muzafar Ah. Shiraz Shiraz@ahmadiyya.com
X-Accept-Language: de,en
Subject: KHatam, SEAL OR LAST?

1.KHATAM-USH-SHU'ARAA (seal of poets) was used for the poet Abu Tamam. (Wafiyatul A'yan, vol. 1, p. 123, Cairo)
2.KHATAM-USH-SHU'ARAA again, used for Abul Tayyeb. (Muqaddama Deewanul Mutanabbi, Egyptian p. 4)
3.KHATAM-USH-SHU'ARAA again, used for Abul 'Ala Alme'ry. (ibid, p.4, footnote)
4.KHATAM-USH-SHU'ARAA used for Shaikh Ali Huzain in India. (Hayati Sa'di, p. 117)
5.KHATAM-USH-SHU'ARAA used for Habeeb Shairaazi in Iran. (Hayati Sa'di, p. 87) Note here that all five people have been given the above title. How could it be interpreted as last. They did not come and go at the exact same time.
6.KHATAM-AL-AULIYAA (seal of saints) for Hazrat Ali (May God be pleased with him). (Tafsir Safi, Chapter AlAhzab) Can no other person now attain wilaayat, if seal meant last?
7.KHATAM-AL-AULIYAA used for Imam Shaf'ee. (Al Tuhfatus Sunniyya, p. 45)
8.KHATAM-AL-AULIYAA used for Shaikh Ibnul 'Arabee. (Fatoohati Makkiyyah, on title page)
9.KHATAM-AL-KARAAM (seal of remedies) used for camphor. ( *

a_umer 29.08.10 - 07:55am
Dear Readers

Assalamo alaikum

Muslims from the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW till today unanimously believe in the absolute Finality of the Prophethood of Syedna Muhammad SAAW, and the Finality of Holy Quran as the Last message from Allah to guide His creations till the day of Qiyamah. This concept of finality of the Message and the Messenger is the cornerstone of the whole building of Islam which plays a pivotal role in the life of Muslims individually as well as collectively, creating a bond of such brotherhood that transcends all geographical, racial and cultural boundaries. This Universal Brotherhood of Islam makes the whole Ummah as one unit, one body, so that whenever one part is hurt, the whole body feels the pain and react to it. This of course is a very scary phenomenon for the anti-Islamic forces, who have been trying to disrupt this bond since the advent of Islam. Anti-Islamic forces had thus always tried to create divisions among the Muslims by distorting the teachings of Quran and by creating literature in an attempt to reduce the influence of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW in our lives. As Al-Hafiz Bashir Masri put it in his article, Henchmen of Europe,

wherever the opponents of Islam plan to strike at the roots of Islam, they start challenging the validity of Quran-e-Majeed and maligning the Personality of the Holy Prophet SAAW. We are used to such attacks from without and know how to deal with them. The real problem arises, however, when someone from within start playing the traitor, as the Qadianis are doing. You can fend off a danger which you can see, but you more liable to be taken unaware and be bitten by a snake in the grass. And this is what happened to some of our Muslims.

Khatme Nabuwwat is one such facet of the lives of Muslims which are constantly threatened by such forces. Why do we believe in the Finality of Prophethood of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW and what is it that Qadianis have to say in this matter. Who is right and who is wrong? This is the question that we are going to answer in this article. *

a_umer 29.08.10 - 07:57am
Muslims Belief

From Quran: Suffice to say here is that Allah testifies in Quran:
O people ! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, He is the Apostle of God and the Last in the line of Prophets (Khatam-un-Nabiyeen). And God is Aware of everything. (Surah Al Ahzab 33.40)

The basic principle for interpreting the verses of Quran is to interpret them in the light of other verses, and in the light of what has been said by Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW or His Companions. The word Khatam is translated here as 'LAST'. The literal meaning of this word is SEAL, as something which is sealed. There are many other verses in Quran which support this translation of the word Khatam and thus the finality of the Messenger and the Message.

The Last Sermon:

Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW on His Last Hajj gave a sermon, where he announced:

O people! No Prophet would be raised after me and no new Ummah (would be rasied) after you. (Seerat Ibne Hisham, The Last Sermon)

From the Books of Hadith:
Many Hadith, but I would specially like to quote here one authentic hadith which contain the word KHATAM.
There will be thirty liars in my Ummah, each of them claiming to be a Prophet,
but I am the Khatam-un-Nabiyeen, there is no Prophet after me.
(Sunan Abu Daud, Kitab al-Fitan)

Holy Prophet SAAW used the word Khatam-un-Nabiyeen for Himself and then qualified the meaning of this word by adding that there is no Prophet after me. Most certainly He knew that there will be some sick minded people in his ummah who will make all sorts of far flung distorted meanings.

Qadiani Deception No. 1 - Denying/Laying the claim to Prophethood.

Having thus presented the Muslim belief, let us now turn to see what do Qadianis believe by the word Khatam and Khatam-un-Nabiyeen?

Of course when you talk to any Qadiani he will claim that he believes that Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW is Khatam-un-Nabiyeen. But soon his hypocricy is exposed when you ask him, what exactly does he mean by the word Khatam-un-Nabiyeen. Then his decetption is exposed, because he has his own understanding of this word, as taught by his Jamaat.

For every Qadiani, Khatam-un-Nabiyeen means the following:

The Seal of the Prophets, but not the seal of finality (as Muslims believe) but the seal of approval for the coming of further prophets.

The best of Prophets

To support their claim, they go to extra lengths to prove their case using mind boggling logic. The whole issue reminds us how in the work of Mirza, there is the usual duality: at first sight part of it appears to confirm the general doctrine of Islam, also about the meaning of Khatme as last. Yet another part changes it to mean seal of approval. It is like this with every occult concept he introduces. He says in many places that there can be no prophet after Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW - he does so to try to connect with mainstream islam, and to make his doctrine seem acceptable. Yet, in other places, he also writes *

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