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Subject: what to do wen u r in the dry seasons?
Replies: 4 Views: 1087

sweetz16 8/8/2006 - 11:21:31
If u read Ezekiel 37:1-14 u wud c that the prophet was in a valley of dry bones. As christians we face a dry season where we feel cut off from God but its only a process n at d end of a process a finished product. God is settin up ur revival behind the scenes bt ur job is 2 prophesy over the dead areas in ur life. As the prophetic word is released rivers will break out in ur dessert. *

gbopp 8/9/2006 - 1:46:58
37:1-6 >The Valley; Where judgement had been pro nounced previously, a message of hope is now proclaimed; >Bones; there represent the exiles, who, according to (v:11) had given up hope of reviving the Kingdom of Israel because they have been in Babylon 10 years. BELIEVE that even as God was able to bring life in the valley of dry bones, He is able to bring new life to the dry and lifeless places in you. ASK HIM earnestly to refresh you with new life and fresh power of the Spirit today. *

gbopp 8/9/2006 - 1:56:36
37:7-13 >No Breath; Similar to the creation of man described in Genesis 2:7, there was no life until God ''breathed into his nostrils the breath of life'' The first phase of this vision (v:7,8) seems to correspond to Ezekiel's ministry of calling the spiritualy dead Judahites to hear God. HEAR GOD'S WORD TO YOU. No matter how dry, hopeless, or abandoned you may feel, KNOW that God has not left you. He is able and desires to bring you out of a place of death into new life. *

gbopp 8/9/2006 - 2:07:40
37:14 >SPIRIT; (Hebrew ruah) is used here for the Spirit of God, but the Spirit of God is also translated 'breath' and 'wind' in other verses. Only the infusion of the Spirit of God can bring about the miracles described in this passage. >I WILL PLACE YOU IN YOUR OWN LAND indicates national restoration for the exiles. This prophecy came true in 538 b.c. when Cyrus the Great allowed the people to return home. >Ezra 1,2 records the first group of Hebrews to return. ASK FOR and recieve a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. Invite God's Spirit to touch every desperate place in you. Let the power of God transform you, restore you completely, and flow from you to those around you. *

shen702 17.10.09 - 07:56pm
Thank u so much!... *

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