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tsi 16.09.09 - 09:32pm
Jehovar's Witness, Rutherford, was quoted has having said religion is against God. So I think the JWs can hardly be regarded a religious society. JWs carry an effective propaganda and attract esp. dissatisified elements of society by preaching hatred of all existing institutions. Are JWs a religion, cult, an organisation, or what r they? *

tsi 17.09.09 - 06:27am
For once they dont VOTE, refuse BLOOD TRANSFUSION, cannot parti te in MILITARY SERVICE and are RIGID in the sense that they are restricted to explain things through specific JW instruction books, and any contrary view is regarded as a misconception. Who are the Jehovar's Witnesses, are they really a TRUE RELIGION? *

mjully 23.09.09 - 06:35am
The qn still remains Whats a true religion?Concerning JWs i have a doubt whether they are true followers of Christ or not.Personally am afraid of them,how they dress,their character and disrespect of other religion.One thing im sure we are all created by God,religion is man-made,but not all who call the Name Lord will enter the Kingdom.Its easier to say im saved but hard to put into practice. *

unquiet1 8.11.09 - 12:10am
have a look a Isaiah 43:10 '''YOU are my witnesses,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that YOU may know and have faith in me, and that YOU may understand that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none.''' Jehovah's Witnesses are Christ's followers and live their lives following Jesus footsteps in line with the bible. And thats wot sets Jehovahs witnesses apart from the rest of the world. this world is controlled by satan and you just have to look at your newspaper or put on the TV to see evidence of that.
Its also written in 1 john 5:19 we know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one And satan has influenced the world in such a way that living according to the bible seems like a cult activity.

unquiet1 8.11.09 - 12:10am
With the world being controlled by satan, we follow Jesus and not take part in this world. And with the worlds influence this will look like hatred of all existing institutions.

John 18:36 Jesus answered My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source

James 4:4 Adulteresses do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself as and enemy of God

Jehovahs Witnesses dont take part in any of the worlds activities, voting, joining military and killing brothers etc. over the years many Witnesses have spent time in prison for not joining the army.

unquiet1 8.11.09 - 12:11am
many ppl dont eat pork for religious reasons. no1 makes a big issue about it. But it becomes a big issue when ppl refuse to join the army. If every1 refused to join the military dont you think there would be no wars.? *

unquiet1 8.11.09 - 12:11am
Yes you need to be rigid if you want stay on the straight and narrow and clear from sin. Wot might seem harmless in the worlds eyes is a sin in the bible! For example getting drunk. And the wicked 1 controlling this world has made many things seem ok that are actually wrong! *

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