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* JUDGEMENT > Topics

Subject: The terrible truth discovered too late
Replies: 8 Views: 1505
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endtimes 7/31/2006 - 10:24:32
Heb.9:27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment. (NKJV) But i'll tell you whom to fear. Fear God, who has the power to kill people and them throw them into hell (NLT) Matt. 25: 41 Then He will also say to those on the left hand, depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. *

endtimes 7/31/2006 - 10:38:27
Hell is a place of darkness, torture and overwhelming shame. Billions are caught in it screaming in tormented pain and horror. It is a place of profanity, terrible smells, unbearable heat. There is no mercy given in hell. There is no hope me escape. Demons 12 -15ft in height with fangs and razor sharp claws tear the victim's flesh apart and tear their limbs apart. *

endtimes 7/31/2006 - 10:50:46
The lost have all their senses in hell.They can smell, see, taste, feel. hear.They hunger and thirst but nothing goes over their lips. They are exhausted but they cant sleep or rest. Some are thrown in pits of fire where they burn until their flesh falls off. They cannot die. When they try to escape out of the pits they are thrown back in by the demons. *

endtimes 7/31/2006 - 11:01:27
The fire dies down and the flesh comes back onto the bones of the poor soul and the torment starts all over again. Some are kept in cells where they are ripped apart. Maggots crawl inside them all the time. Snakes, spiders the size of an average house. Imagine to go through all that for eternity? *

endtimes 7/31/2006 - 11:15:51
If u have a pc go to google to- The sounds of Siberia - or get hold of the recording. I recommend a book about hell by a christian. Jesus took her to hell in the spirit, for the reason to tell that hell exists and His will is that no one ends up in hell. Go to my private message box if you would like the title and author of this book. *

endtimes 7/31/2006 - 11:28:49
Bible references- Isa 24:22 Prov. 7:27 Jonah 2:6 Isa 14:11 Isa 14:19 Ps 88:4-9 Deut 23:22-24 Mic 3:2-3 Ps 74:20 Is 5:14 Ezek 32:24-25 *

endtimes 7/31/2006 - 11:39:46
Ps 88:6-8 Jude 13 Is 24:17-18 Job 18:14 Deut 29:23 Jude 7 Ps 11:6 Is 57:21 Job 26:5-6 Rev. 14:11 Is 38:18 Num 16:32-33 *

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