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Subject: +666+My blood valentine+666+
Replies: 10 Views: 606
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vampire6 13.05.08 - 02:41pm
Myblood vAlEnTiNe: aNothEr dReaDfUl nIgHT,uNdEr tHeSe sInIsTeR sKiEs.tHe cRImSoN MoOn sO BrigHt, aS tHE StArS DAncE LiKe fIreFLiEs.eRos uR ArRowS ArE CuRs3d,piErCe MysKiN ANd hIt MyHeArt.4HeR ToUcH I Nw tHirST,UpOn mY LIpZ HeR PoIsen dArT.A ReCkLEsS EnCoUnTeR We shAre, i wAtCH Ur wiCKEd grIn.wAlK AwAy anD C if i cArE,uR LovE WaS A DeAdLY SiN. I HeAr aN EeRIE SoUnd.aS It BLEedS tHroUgH EaR.My fAvOrItE SoNG In thE BcKgRnd iN ThS MoMeNT U ShOuLD FeAr. I wAnt tHs fLoOR PAiNtEd rEd,wIth bLoOd tHe bOdY'S LotIoN.In mY MiND I SeE U DeAD, AnD I CanNot coNTrole tHiS EMotiOn.sCatTEreD AcrOSs tHs fLoOr tHe hEaRT I NEvEr dId lOve. I alWAyZ WaNt3d mOre,aNd u, I gOt sIcK Of th3 mOrNiNG WhEn i aWAkE, I BrEath tHs sWt dECaY. My lOVErS LIfE I Did take, hEr BdY Left 2 ROT A..W..A..Y..yyy *

drkopera 15.05.08 - 04:58am
wtf.GIF ok gurl. . .why cant i write like that? xjealousx but reli it was AMAZING *

vampire6 18.05.08 - 09:23pm
Haha lmao idk i got a freakng dark mind:p *

emo_lez 29.05.08 - 08:25pm
Haha xspeechlesx awsum bbe *

vampire6 29.05.08 - 09:20pm
Haha wtf speak mtha r haha thnx again lmao *

alenc 3.06.08 - 10:30am
Hi would you like to control me and rule me i am willin to do the will of satan *

serpenth 6.06.08 - 01:17am
somepeopleare ingweird ...bt u were wickedawesum ..s*xii .DaRkAnDdEmEnTeD *

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