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Subject: special topic(read story 1st)
Replies: 44 Views: 3338
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ms_frost 1.09.08 - 01:29pm
So what things do you love so much that you d like to be included in the rpgs to come (and hopefully they will)?????????
p.ex, i love things that are related to occultism, so i d really like it if there were ghosts and haunted houses , i adore music (especially metal, opera, Tarja Turunen, Laurenna McKennit and 80's rock ) so it would be nice if there was a concert included or sth like that. Also as a girl i looove romance, so it would be fun if we didnt have to fight all the time. ehm, a story -not remotely- but yet girl-friendly, and even girl/girl friendly. ;-) of course s*x scenes are by all means forbidden and also insulting comments or inappropriate, s*xual or maliciously natured ones that are adressed to fellow members. p.ex no one is going to call Storm an arrogant, pretending to be the queen of the weather b_ _ _h, or a super mega freak with a terrible haircut, no matter how difficult it is not to. *

wildhart 2.09.08 - 03:07pm
Well what I like about story telling are grand sweeping story arcs, but stories that are character driven not just action scene after action scene (one of the main failings of Messiah Complex). I also love characters like Magneto but not as a full on villain but when he's morally ambiguos and can be hero or villain or both as a writer you can have a lot of fun with a charaycter like that. I also think a story needs a great villain really well defined and totally evil no wishy washy bs *

wildhart 2.09.08 - 03:13pm
I used to hate it in comics but Im really getting into the whole space opera thing, the rise and fall of the Shiar empire and the fantastic secret invasion have really won me over *

wildhart 2.09.08 - 03:44pm
I dont think romance plays to well in comics it always comes across as too hammy and overdone

wildhart 2.09.08 - 04:38pm
One thing to remember is when creating new characters people often just try and go round creating the toughest most bad person they can and what they forget is its not about having a group of overly powerfull people kicking its about a group of people who when they stand together they are more than just the sum of their parts they are a great team and as such the characters have to compliment each other very well. Just look at the Avengers and the New
Avengers individually they arent the most powerfull but the book works because the characters compliment each other so well. A team full of Omega level mutants wouldnt work because it would be boring, there would be no challenge there

wildhart 4.09.08 - 06:20pm
I think it may be interesting to set the book in the near future and have the X-Men working for S.H.I.E.L.D *

ms_frost 23.09.08 - 01:42pm
hmm, i think we should also make a library or sth about the biography of teams and characters and stuff like that (px S h i e l d) so people that arent that familiar with the whole x-men thing can learn about it. further more no one will make lame excuses like, oh i didnt know where to search about Sabretooth s biography, that s why i made him fly *

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