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Subject: Latest from david icke
Replies: 5 Views: 1095

monitor 11.05.10 - 11:51pm
Gordon Brown To Go As Rothschilds Seek To Impose UK One-Party State....Its codename is the Progressive Alliance when progressive is the last thing it is.

Dictionary definition of progressive A person who actively favours or strives for progress toward better conditions, as in society or government.

I rest my case.....Its over for Brown courtesy of Rothschild gofer, Peter Mandelson, the man aptly known at Westminster as the Prince of Darkness.

By David Icke....Three weeks ago during the UK election campaign I said in my newsletter that the Rothschild/Illuminati plan was to create a coalition government in Britain between the Labour Party, which has ruled the country under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown since 1997, and the third party, the Liberal Democrats of used-car salesman, Nick Clegg.

We will see soon if they can pull it off or if they have to settle for their second option, a Conservative-Liberal government.

I also said in that newsletter and another last week that, whatever happened, the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, was doomed and would be ousted by the Rothschild agent in government, Peter Mandelson, to be replaced by one of his Rothschild puppets like the child-in-a-man's body, David Miliband. He is the one they really want although there are other options that would work for them, including the appropriately named Ed ba11s, the former chairman of the Illuminati Fabian Society and still a leading light. *

monitor 11.05.10 - 11:52pm
Britain is in manipulated political turmoil at the moment after the Conservative Party won by far the most seats and percentage of the vote in the election on May 6th, but not enough to outvote the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats and a series of minor parties.

Now, while negotiations go on between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats over the formation of coalition governments, Gordon Brown has announced that he will stand down to make way for the election of a new Labour Party leader, a campaign that Foreign Secretary David Miliband and the Fabian Societys Ed ba11s will be eager to contest.

The newsletters are currently playing out word for word. One said:

'In the background, as always, is the manipulating eye of Peter Mandelson, Britain's version of Obama's fixer and handler, Rahm Emanuel, and a man who, as an appointed member of the House of Lords, has been running the show in the Labour government without having secured a single vote from the population. *

monitor 11.05.10 - 11:52pm
He will be slithering around seeking any chance of forming an alliance with the Liberal Democrats to agree a coalition government to stay in power.

Whatever happens, the hapless, hopeless, Gordon Brown, will eventually be jettisoned as Labour leader in favour of someone like the Rothschild asset, David Miliband, or the system-serving, Alan Johnson.

Rothschild Zionist Miliband is Mandelson's favourite and Mr Mendacity said yesterday of Brown's future: 'Frankly, there are quite a number of permutations and the reason I don't want to start getting into sort of hypotheses about what may or may not happen is because quite frankly I think it's premature ... I am not ruling out or ruling in anything.'

The liar knows exactly what he is manipulating to happen. Bye, bye Gordon.'

The Rothschild/Illuminati agenda is to bring the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties together to form a coalition and quickly change the voting system.

We currently have what they call 'first past the post', in which the winners in individual constituencies are counted to decide the result. This means that an MP can win with a minority of the vote because others in the election split the opposition vote against him or her. *

monitor 11.05.10 - 11:53pm
The Liberal Democrats want a system of proportional representation in which the parties secure their Members of Parliament on the basis of their overall share of the vote. This is good in the sense that the result would more fairly reflect the views of the voters, but it would also mean that coalition governments would become the norm almost always formed by an alliance of the Labour Party and Liberal Democrats.

It would, in effect, make Britain a one-party state.

This suits the Rothschilds and the Illuminati because the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties would enthusiastically give away what is left of Britain to the European Union and open the floodgates to unfettered immigration, while the Conservatives would have to do it at least more subtly because much of their support base is against both.

For this and other reasons a Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition would be the Illuminati first choice, but they can handle either. *

monitor 11.05.10 - 11:54pm
When the election result was announced with the Conservative Party significantly out in front it would have been bad PR for the Liberal Democrats to start negotiating a coalition with the Labour Party what the media dubbed a coalition of the losers.

And so negotiations began with the Conservative Party and these have been followed hour by hour by the mainstream media. The Liberal Democrats had to be seen to have tried to reach an agreement with the biggest party, but the Conservatives know that if they gave in to the Liberal demands for a proportional representation voting system as part of the deal they would be like turkeys voting for Christmas or Thanksgiving. It would be the end of the Conservatives as a party of government.

The Conservatives have made concessions in this area in a desperate bid to secure power, but the even more desperate Labour Party would go further.

The Liberal Democrats have begun official negotiations with the Labour Party and Mandelson has smoothed the way for this by achieving his long-planned goal of removing Brown, a man the Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, doesnt like. *

monitor 11.05.10 - 11:54pm
By last night, May 10th, four days after the General Election, the energy dynamics were moving from a Conservative-Liberal coalition to one between Labour, Liberals and minors parties. It could still change, of course, but thats the tone and the body language.

The Labour Party have far more seats and votes than the Liberal Democrats and so any coalition between the two would mean a Labour Party Prime Minister and that means whoever won the upcoming election for Labour Party leader would automatically be Prime Minister.

Such a move would ensure that Britain is once again ruled by a Prime Minister not elected as such by the public. Gordon Brown also became Prime Minister that way when Tony Blair stood down mid-term and Brown became his successor as Labour leader and, thus, unelected leader of the country.

It is still not certain how it will all turn out, but what is crystal clear is how the Rothschild-Illuminati cabal want it to turn out a Labour-Liberal coalition, eventually led by someone like the Rothschild Zionist, David Miliband, after Brown stands down as Labour leader, almost certainly by the autumn at the latest. *

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